A branch of V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops

The Voznesensky experimental station

8 (86169) 76-242
8 (86169) 76-261

The Voznesensky experimental station was founded in 1928. Specialists of the branch are engaged in the cultivation of essential-oil crops to maintain the collection of menthol mint, clary sage, and lavender.

The main directions of scientific and breeding activity of the branch are the preservation of the gene pool and the identification of promising breeding materials of mint, clary sage, and lavender with a complex of economically important traits, providing the increase in the yield of essential oils.

The Vosnezensky experimental station accepts applications for the production of dry raw materials of inflorescences of clary sage and its seeds, dry raw materials and rootstocks of peppermint, dry raw materials of inflorescences of lavender and its seedlings, dry raw materials of petals of essential-oil rose and seedlings.

The main directions of breeding and scientific work

  1. Researching the preservation of the gene pool and the identification of promising breeding material of essential-oil plants - peppermint, clary sage, and lavender.
  2. Development of high-yielding varieties of peppermint, clary sage, and lavender, resistant to unfavorable abiotic and biotic factors of the environment, exceeding the standards for yield and yield of essential oil by 15-20 %, adapted to natural conditions.
  3. Organization of ecological trials of promising varieties and hybrids of oil crops of breeding of V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research of Oil Crops and its experimental network in the southern piedmont zone (winter rapeseed and turnip rape, sunflower, soybean).


Laboratory of essential-oil crops
The laboratory is focused on maintaining the collection of essential-oil crops, development, and specification of certain elements of their cultivation technology. The main objective of the laboratory is to preserve the gene pool and identify promising breeding material of menthol mint, clary sage, and lavender with a complex of economically important traits, providing an increase in the yield of essential oils.

About branch

Director Shuvaeva Tatiana Pavlovna

The station was founded in 1928 as the Kayal experimental station for new industrial crops, to study the potential of new industrial crops in the conditions of the North Caucasus.

Until 1932, the station’s specialists were involved in the study of medicinal and partially fragrant plants, and later in the cultivation of essential-oil plants, which is why the institution was named «The Zonal experimental station of the All-Union Institute of the Essential-Oil Industry».

In the post-war years, work was carried out on the breeding of coriander, clary sage, basil, rose, and lavender.

In 1961, the variety of clary sage Voznesensky-24 was released, the author was Luzin L. V., Zhuravleva O. D. developed the coriander variety Svetly, Maskunova V. A. developed the lavender varieties Voznesenskaya-34 and Yuzhanka. She is also the co-author of rose varieties Michurinskaya and Raduga. Solonitskaya V. B. developed varieties of peppermint Mechta, Raduga, Vesna. Shuvaeva T. P. developed a new variety of clary sage Tatiana, which exceeds the released variety V-24 by 20% in yield of essential oil. She has developed agricultural practices of increasing the productivity of clary sage.

From November 8, 2021: The separate division Voznesensky branch of V. S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops.

The branch accepts applications for the production of dry raw materials of inflorescences of clary sage and its seeds, dry raw materials, and rootstocks of peppermint, dry raw materials of inflorescences of lavender and its seedlings, dry raw materials of petals of essential-oil rose and seedlings.


The address: 2 Lenina street, vil. Rozovy, Labinsky district, Krasnodar region, 352529, Russia

Tel.: 8 (86169) 76-242 , 8 (86169) 76-261

Е-mail: shalfey@vniimk.ru

Full name: Voznesensky branch of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Center “V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops”

Short name: Voznesensky branch of V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops

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